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Joanne Kennedy

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HTML Document Structure : Go to My CV

Portfolio of Exercises

Selector test page

This paragraph is in the content div and does not have any id or class attributes.

This paragraph is in the content div and has a class attribute value tip.

This paragraph is in the content div and has a span element inside it.


This tutorial covered the basic structure of a web document and introduced the complusory elements that every html document should contain.


Browsers are very forgiving programs and often display incorrectly marked up documents. This tutorial emphasised the importance of validation

I understand that html documents must be well formed and marked up according to a particular html specification.

An error that I came across was in the title element, as the closing tag was misspelt and the slash charater was missing for the end tag.

I put the coding into the W3C HTML validator, found the mistake and corrected it by ensuring both tags were matching and spelt correctly, I then added a slash character to the closing tag and re-validated the code to find no errors.


This is a test paragraph with this embedded child em element.

In this tutorial I have learnt how to create paragraphs,

level 1 headings,

level 2 headings,

level 3 headings,

level 4 headings,

level 5 headings,
level 6 headings,
I have learnt how to create emphasized text, as well as strong text, along with code samples, text which can be typed in by the user, text for quotes, Sample text, and text that would be replaced.

I have also learnt how to include special characters for example; The copyright symbol - © The greek symbol Beta - Β The euro sign - € And the characters used in the tags < and >

Text is not just text!.


Hyperlinks define the structure of the web by providing a mechanism to reference documents.


HTML offers 3 type of lists unordered, ordered, and definition lists.

Unordered list

Ordered list

  1. first item on the list
  2. second item on the list

Definition list

first definition term
first definition description
second definition term
second definition description

Different lists embedded in one another


Uploading or publishing your web document is part of the testing cycle.

The address of my site is:

The address of my site is: http://"" and I have checked it and it works and I am ready for the test!


A little patience and meticulous attention to a valid structured document is essential for any web development.



A picture speaks a thousand words but is it presentation or content?

Beach Chair!

Spanish Flag!


Beach Chair Edit!





Time and space is always complex.

What is temporal data?

Temporal data means data constrained by time such as audio or video.

codec; is short for encoder/decoder and is a specification for how to store temporal data digitally.

OGG; is a free, open standard container format maintained by the Xiph.

WebM; is a video format designed to provide a royalty-free, high-quality open video compression format for use with HTML5 video.

In order to publish your holiday video stored in MP4 format, The first part of specifying the type for temporal data is to use open standards containers such as 'mp4' the second part of the attribute type definition for temporal data specifies the codec used for encoding and decoding the audio or video data. remember it is important to specify the type attribute as the browser can then decide whether it supports the particular format without downloading the file and therefore saving bandwidth.

you would ensure the video was viewable accross html5 browsers by trying them out across browsers such as chrome and firefox. if your audio and video is not displaying it would be useful to convert your file to another format such as webm.


Tables are ofen used incorrectly for layout and positioning!

Student Details
Name Age Sex
Survey conducted for the past 10 years!
Joanne Kennedy 18 Female
Jake Peel 19 Male
Span across ..... TWO columns! column 3


Forms are the main mexhanism for sending data from the client browser to a server program.

Form for CV

Male Female

16-20 21-30 31-40 40+

Contact Information


  1. Name two relative and one absolute unit of measure for specifying width.
  2. What is the box model?
  3. Write the CSS declaration for setting the 4 margins and its equivalent in shorthand notation.
  4. How many different type of selectors are there?
  5. When would you use a class selector as oppose to an id selector?
  6. When would you use an element type selector?
  7. What is the CSS symbol that refers to an HTML id attribute?
  8. What is the CSS symbol that refers to an HTML class attribute?
  9. What is pseudo-class?


  1. relative: em and % and absolute px
  2. The CSS box model is used to describe the box that is generated for any HTML element so that it can be positioned relative to other elements. The generated box contains the content of the element as well as a padding, border, and margin.
  3. margin-top: 1em; margin-right: 2em; margin-bottom: 3em; margin-left: 4em; and shorthand notation: margin: 1em 2em 3em 4em;
  4. There are three type of selectors: element type, id and class
  5. When it is used several times in the same document.
  6. id selectors on their hand are unique and can be used only once.
  7. Element type selector are global and cascade to all sub-branches and are suitable for document wide settings such as typographical rules.
  8. The id symbol is a dot character.
  9. The class symbol is a hash character, #
  10. Pseudo-classes were introduced for the hyperlink, a, element. This is due to the hyperlink having several states, namely, unvisited, visited, or currently being selected. To select each one of these states separately we use the element type selector together with the pseudo class, for example: a:hover

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Joanne Kennedy